How long is a whale?
The final part
Chapters 1 and 2 of our class book ‘Escape from Pompeii”, by Jim Eldridge.
In 2020 we were not allowed to invite our usual audience so recorded our Nativity Play for you to watch. Thanks to Simon and Gillian White for the narration and to Jude Wedgwood for editing the film.
This video was made to say goodbye to our year 6 leavers as we could not do that in person due to the restrictions or 'Social Distancing' during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Read by Simon
Read by Gillian
Mrs Hanley with a 'Start the Week Message'
Thank you all for your lovely frog work. Everyone has sent us something for our display.
Here is a sample of all your lovely work. There should be something from everyone.
Oliver is the first to share this. Who will be next?
Our frogspawn has hatched and the pond is full of wriggling little tadpoles.